Media Repository
You, dear Developer who uses NewPlayer, will want to implement MediaRepository. This interface is the thing that will enable NewPlayer to access your content. Just like the ViewModel and the View, the Repository is an element of the MVVM architecture. This repository is basically the "view" to your data.
How does MediaRepository work
Every piece of media that can be defined as a unit is referred to as an item. An item can be a YouTube video or a media.ccc talk, or a video stored on your phones storage
With each item associated are so called Streams. Every item has at least one or multiple Streams associated with it. A stream referees to one individual media file that can either be accessed from the internet via its unique URL or is stored locally on your phone's storage, and can be referred to via URI. In other words a Stream refers to one media container (like an mpeg4 or a webm file).
Every Stream contains one or multiple tracks, which NewPlayer calls StreamTracks. Each track refers to either one encoded stream of Video or one encoded stream of Audio.
The way it works is that you tell NewPlayer to play a certain item. NewPlayer will then ask the repository for information about this item. Streams and everything else, like Subtitles, Chapters, this item's Metadata, preview thumbnails etc., basically things NewPlayer might want to know about an item, is supplied through the repository.
What is an item
An item is a string or tag that uniquely identifies one specific piece or unit of media. Something like a youtube video. For example an item can be the link to a youtube video or a media.ccc video, or the filepath and name of a video stored on your phone.
You can also use uuid's or randomly generated values to create items. You basically define what an item should be, as long as the string meets these two criteria:
The string must be unique for one piece of media (the item must be relational)
The repository must be able to understand that item string and be able to return the information related to that item.
So the way you identify and use item with NewPlayer depends on how MediaRepository is implemented.
This should return the chapters associated with an item. If an item does not have chapters you may return an empty list.
Supply a custom HttpDataSource.Factory. This is important for Youtube.
Get MediaMetadata information for a certain item. Please refer to the media3 documentation for MediaMetadata.
This should return a thumbnail associated with the provided timestamp of the provided item. The reason this function does not simply return a Uri to a bitmap is that some platforms like Youtube provide the preview thumbnail as a collage of multiple thumbnails within one jpeg file. It is then the task of the client to crop this jpeg to only show the piece of that image that depicts the thumbnail for the given timestamp.
The amount of review thumbnails an item provides. This is used to tell async requesting tools how much requests to spawn to get all thumbnails. It's also used to calculate the correct keys for the caching repository.
Returns the information of the repository. Please see the documentation for RepoMetaInfo for more details.
This should return all the Streams associated with an item.
This should return all the Subtitles associated with an item.
Should return the link to a certain timestamp of the video/audio stream associated by item. An example for a timestamp link would be this (don't watch it though its dangerous):