New Player UIState
Shows the state the UI is rendering. In the manner of MVVM, NewPlayerViewModel sends this state over to NewPlayerUI, to tell it what should be rendered.
The brightness volume. Might be null if the system is in control of the brightness.
The amount of buffered video/audio material, Whereas bufferedPercentage ∈ 0; 1.
Depicts weather the video should fit inside, be cropped or stretched.
The content ratio of the currently playing video.
The tracks that are available for the currently playing item.
The media item that is currently playing.
The tracks that are currently playing. in other words these tracks are actively playing back and are getting muxed together by ExoPlayer.
The index into the playList, that depicts the currently playing item.
The seeker preview thumbnail that should be visible. This updates if the user uses the seeker thumb to seek through a stream. If null no thumbnail is available.
The duration of the currently playing stream in milliseconds.
This is used to restore several values when switching back from a fullscreen view to an embedded screen view. Such values include the color scheme of the system info bar, the screen brightness and the default screen orientation.
The ratio of the embedded UI. This might differ from the content ratio.
Is the Ui currently transitioning to PiP mode.
Amount of seconds on step of fast seek can take.
The same as ExoPlayers isLoading. See Player.isLoading
The playback position of the currently playing stream in milliseconds. This only updates if the progress updater job runs within NewPlayerViewModel.
The playback position within the whole currently playing playlist.
The currently playing playlist as provided by ExoPlayer. However, it might sometimes drift from the playlist provided by exoplayer. This can happen when the user reorders items. The playlist will then immediately reflect the new state of the list, even though that state was not yet confirmed by exoplayer. If this list could not drift you would expect the UI to be jittery upon item reordering.
Duration of the whole currently playing playlist
Same as NewPlayer.repeatMode
The position of the seeker thumb. Whereas seekerPosition ∈ 0; 1.
Depicts weather the seeker preview thumbnail should be visible or not.
Same as NewPlayer.shuffle.
The current sound volume.
Depicts which screen of NewPlayer's UI should be visible.